

    MY UNI


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    A fter three years and what started out as an idea sitting in the room of my uni house with a housemate, discussing a dilemma that I had - I've finally achieved what I said I was going to do!

    I was in my second year of uni (fourth year adjusted, long story) and I was studying Law. So, how is it that a simple dilemma morphed into a quoted £3000 job? Well, upon my confusion and in its infancy it was founded – what would become My Uni House and the Abode!

    So, I had this great, amazing idea but absolutely no idea how I was going to implement it. One thing I knew for sure, though, I couldn’t let this go. I was on to something! I knew that I wanted this idea to become my own little project, in which I would prove to myself that I am capable, even of the most impossible of challenges.

    Turns out, it was a bigger project than I had anticipated. Even after graduating from university, having my daughter and navigating through my new-found life, finding time became the greatest quest of all.

    Just how was I going to juggle developing a website and writing housing guides everyday? Well, I spent the better part of three years trying to figure that out. I wanted perfection but I realised I'd be waiting a long time for that. So, I took the leap and decided that 2021 would be the year that we would launch no matter what!

    I am so happy that I stuck to it! Once your mind says you can – nothing can stop you!

    I’m proud to finally present to you My Uni House – take a look inside:

    #myunihouse #theabode